5 Year Fixed 4.04%

5 Year Variable 4.29%

RRSP Home Buyer's Plan in Canada

RRSP Home Buyer's Plan in Canada


The RRSP Home Buyer’s Plan is a federally instituted government program that allows you to withdraw up to $60,000 from your RRSP to buy or build a qualifying home.

To participate in the HBP, you must meet both the HBP eligibility conditions and RRSP withdrawal conditions.


Do I meet the HBP eligibility conditions?

  • You must be considered a first-time home buyer.
  • You must have a written agreement to buy or build a qualifying home for yourself, for a related person with a disability, or to help a related person with a disability buy or build a qualifying home (obtaining a pre-approved mortgage does not satisfy this condition).
  • You must intend to live in the qualifying home as your principal place of residence within one year after buying or building it. If you buy or build a qualifying home for a related person with a disability, or help a related person with a disability buy or build a qualifying home, you must intend that person lives in the qualifying home as his or her principal place of residence.


Am I a First-Time Home Buyer?

You are considered a first-time home buyer if:

  • The borrower has never purchased a home before; and
  • In the last 4 years, the borrower has not occupied a home as a principal place of residence that either they themselves or their current spouse or common-law partner owned; and
  • The borrower recently experienced the breakdown of a marriage or common-law partnership.


Divorce and Separation

You may qualify for the Homebuyers’ Plan after breakdown of a marriage or common law partnership if the following requirements are met:

  • You must have been living separate and apart for at least 90 days due to a marriage or relationship breakdown
  • You must be living separate and apart at the time the withdrawal is made and began to live separate and apart in the year in which the withdrawal is made, or any time in the four preceding years
  • You will be required to dispose of the previous principal place of residence no later than two years after the end of the year in which the HBP withdrawal is made. *This requirement will be waived if you buy out the share of the residence owned by your spouse or common law partner. The existing rule that individuals may not acquire the home more than 30 days before making the HBP withdrawal will also be waived in this circumstance.
  • In the case where your principal place of residence is a home owned and occupied by a new spouse or common-law partner, you will not be able to make a Homebuyers’ Plan withdrawal under these rules. In all cases, if you have previously participated in the HBP, you may be able to do so again if your repayable HBP balance on January 1 of the year of the withdrawal is zero and you meet all the other HBP eligibility conditions.


Do I meet the RRSP withdrawal conditions?

  • You have to be a resident of Canada at the time of the withdrawal.
  • You have to receive or be considered to have received, all withdrawals in the same calendar year.
  • You cannot withdraw more than $60,000.
  • Only the person who is entitled to receive payments from the RRSP can withdraw funds from an RRSP. You can withdraw funds from more than one RRSP as long as you are the owner of each RRSP.
  • Your RRSP issuer will not withhold tax on withdraw amounts of $60,000 or less.
  • Fund withdrawal is typically not allowed from a locked-in RRSP.
  • RRSP contributions must remain for at least 90 days before withdrawal under the Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) to be deductible.
  • Neither you nor your related persons can own the qualifying home more than 30 days prior to withdrawal.
  • You must buy or build a qualifying home for yourself or a related person with a disability by October 1 of the year following the withdrawal.
  • Form T1036 must be completed for each eligible withdrawal under the HBP.


When do I start making repayments?

Your first repayment starts the second year after the year you withdrew funds from your RRSPs for the HBP. Generally, you have up to 15 years to repay to your RRSP the amounts you withdrew from them under the HBP. However, you can repay the full amount into your RRSP or PRPP at any time. Each year, the CRA will send you a Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) Statement of Account, with your notice of assessment or notice of reassessment.